It was a real treat to be able to support YMCA East Surrey last night at their annual curry fundraiser.
We heard about so many of their incredible initiatives - but one in particular stood out for me.
In April 2021, thanks to funding from Homes England, Reigate and Banstead Council and Land Aid, they completed the purchase of a property in Horley. This extended their housing offer to local young people and added to their existing move-on properties in Redhill and Merstham.
The house was completely refurbished and is now home to 12 young people who need less intensive housing support, helping to bridge the crucial gap between supported accommodation and independent living.
It's this kind of proactive, imaginative intervention that makes a huge different to so many young lives. I'm very pleased to see the Council making a tangible contribution to help make it happen.
Great as ever to catch up with the Reigate and Banstead Conservative team - Councillors Brunt, Tary, Neame, Blacker, Moses and others - out in force backing the YMCA!