The Carers Information Service based on George Street has received notification of a planning application to convert the offices above the Carers Support Centre into flats.
Here's a summary of the application:
“Ref: 19/01818/FUL - Alterations to existing shopfronts. Demolition of two parts of second floor to rear of building. Conversion of part of ground floor of 24-26 George Street to provide upper floor access. Erection of single storey rear infill extension to provide cycle storage and first floor rear extension. Formation of rear terraced areas at first and second floor levels. Conversion of upper floors of resulting building to provide 3 x one bedroom, 2 x two bedroom and 3 x three bedroom flats (8 in total) with associated amenity spaces. Installation of roof windows to front and rear elevations (amended description). | 20 - 28 George Street Croydon CR0 1PA”
What does this mean for the Carers Support Centre?
The proposed changes would mean that the Carers Information Service staff who work on the first floor, including two advice workers, two Carer’s Assessment Workers and four other members of staff, would need to relocate to the existing meeting room space downstairs, where they currently run wellbeing events and workshops. A number of local charities supporting carers and vulnerable people would also need to find new offices elsewhere.
What would the changes mean for carers?
- There would be no longer be enough space to run many of their carer wellbeing activities. This includes Carers Dance, Singing, Tai Chi and Pilates.
- They could no longer run information sessions, such as their Education, Health and Care Plan Workshops for parents and carers of a child with special educational needs.
- They could no longer run self-development and wellbeing skills workshops for carers, such as Managing Stress and Managing Sleep.
- There would be no space for carer support groups, such as their Learning From Loss bereavement group and other carer support groups that meet there.
- There would be more limited space for Carer’s Assessments and advice surgeries.
Such drastic changes would potentially mean less support for Croydon’s carers, who already contribute £654 million each year to the local economy. The Carers Support Centre would no longer be a central hub for carer services, as it was set up to be by the Whitgift Foundation and Croydon Council.
How you can help
The planning permission application is now public. I encourage you to submit a comment on the application online by clicking on the "make a comment" button, filling out the form and selecting your stance as “object”.
The more of us who comment and object, and with good reason, the more likely it is that the Planning Committee will refuse the application.
My visit to the Centre in March
I visited the Carers Centre in March this year, and could see first hand just how much the service meant to the carers who use the building. So many rely on it for support and for guidance, or simply for a cup of tea and a chat with friends going through the same experience.
The service benefits the health and wellbeing of Croydon’s 33,000 carers - anything that jeopardises that should be opposed.
My letter to Cllr Toni Letts, the Chair of the Planning Committee
Dear Cllr Letts,
I am writing to you out of serious concern for an application that has been submitted to Croydon Council to redevelop the first floor of the Carers Support Centre on George Street.
The proposed changes would mean that the Carers Information Service staff who work on the first floor, including two advice workers, two Carer’s Assessment Workers and four other members of staff, would need to relocate to the existing meeting room space downstairs, where they currently run wellbeing events and workshops. A number of local charities supporting carers and vulnerable people would also need to find new offices elsewhere.
What would the changes mean for carers?
- There would no longer be enough space to run many of the carer wellbeing activities
- They could no longer run information sessions, such as their Education, Health and Care Plan Workshops for parents and carers of a child with special educational needs
- They could no longer run self-development and wellbeing skills workshops for carers, such as Managing Stress and Managing Sleep
- There would be no space for carer support groups, such as the Learning From Loss bereavement group and other carer support groups that meet there
- There would be more limited space for Carer’s Assessments and advice surgeries.
Such drastic changes would mean less support for Croydon’s carers, who already contribute £654 million each year to the local economy. The Carers Support Centre would no longer be a central hub carer services, as it was set up to be by Croydon Council and the Whitgift Foundation – of which you are a former trustee.
If this application goes ahead Croydon would be losing a valuable community facility, benefiting the health and wellbeing of Croydon’s 33,000 carers.
Please do everything in your power to halt this deeply damaging planning application in the heart of our borough.
Kind Regards,
Mario Creatura, Prospective Conservative MP for Croydon Central
- Development Management, Croydon Council
- Guy Van Dichele, Executive Director, Health and Wellbeing, Croydon Council
- Helen Thompson, Carers Support Centre Manager